Ομιλία Αντώνη Σκαρλάτου

Submitted by admin on Tue, 14/05/2024 - 11:36

Ομιλητής: Αντώνης Σκαρλάτος (University of Salzburg,  απόφοιτος ΑΛΜΑ)
Τίτλος: Bootstrapping Dynamic Distance Oracles
Ημερομηνία: 16-5-2024, 13:00
Αίθουσα: A56, Τμήμα Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών, ΕΚΠΑ


The input for many applications can  be naturally modelled as a graph, for instance a  network of people or  a network of roads.   One of the most fundamental and well-studied problems  is to construct a distance oracle in order to solve the All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem. In this problem, given a weighted graph the goal is to produce a succinct data structure that  upon queries is  able to return  approximate distances between  any  source-target vertex  pair.   In  the real  world  where everything changes all the time, the relations between the vertices of the graph  may change over time.   That is, edges may  be deleted from the graph or new edges may be inserted to the graph.  The goal then is to  design  an approximate  All-Pairs  Distance  Oracle in  the  fully dynamic setting  with good  guarantees while the  graph is  subject to edge updates.

Prior works either suffer from a large approximation guarantee or from a large update time.  In this talk, we give the first constant-stretch fully dynamic distance  oracle with small polynomial  update time. The idea is to  produce a faster fully dynamic distance  oracle through an existing decremental  algorithm and a slower  fully dynamic algorithm, and then repeatedly  apply this reduction until we  obtain the desired fully dynamic algorithm.

This  is a  joint work  with  Sebastian Forster,  Gramoz Goranci,  and Yasamin Nazari, and it appeared in the proceedings of ESA 2023.