Fine-Grained Complexity: Exploring Reductions and their Properties

Submitted by admin on Sat, 08/03/2025 - 15:10
Stavros Petsalakis
Date of Defense
Three-member Committee
Aris Pagourtzis (Advisor)
Vassilis Zissimopoulos
Stathis Zachos

Algorithmic design has been one of the main subjects of interest for Computer science. While very effective in some areas, this approach has been met with some practical dead ends that have been very problematic in the progress of the field. Classical Computational Complexity practices have also not been able to bypass these blocks. Understanding the hardness of each problem is not trivial. Fine-Grained Complexity provides new perspec- tives on classic problems, resulting to solid links between famous conjectures in Com- plexity, and Algorithmic design. It serves as a tool to prove conditional lower bounds for problems with polynomial time complexity, a field that had seen very little progress until now. Popular conjectures such as SETH, k-OV, 3SUM, and APSP, imply many bounds that have yet to be proven using classic techniques, and provide a new understanding of the structure and entropy of problems in general. The aim of this thesis is to contribute towards solidifying the framework for reductions from each conjecture, and to explore the structural difference between the problems in each case.